Erik Frankhouse

We talk with artist, game designer, and Iron GM, Erik Frankhouse.

Erik Frankhouse Presents produces tabletop products in the form of audio guided adventures, how to podcasts, consulting and paid storytelling. He is a 3 time Iron GM and drinker of beer!

Summer Movie Draft 2019

The MythWits are doing their annual Box Office Movie Draft. Join Mike and Pete as they welcome Scott Sigler, AB Kovacs, and Violet LeVoit.

We'll be bidding on movies to try and build the best slate that will earn the. The one who’s movies earns the highest gross domestic box office earnings earning at the end of summers wins!

You can check out the movies we'll be bidding on and watch the bidding results at:

PRE-ORDER Scott Sigler’s GFL Book 6 at: on or after April 1st

Check out AB Kovacs at:

Check out Violet LeVoit at: