AetherCon Q&A Survey
We ask that you join us as close to 5 minutes prior to show time. We will have 10 minutes between guests so this give the host 5 a minute break and 5 minutes to get you sorted.
Hangout On-Air
You will be sent a link in your email that looks like this…
This link will come early so don’t click it right away. When you click the link, it will immediately launch Hangouts and you’ll be in the room.
WARNING: Do not share this link; anyone clicking on it will be in the Hangout with us.
While there are many browsers and devices, not all are equal in Hangout's eyes. I STRONGLY suggest you test whichever you intend to use prior to your appearance if you’ve never done a Hangout on your setup before or don't remember how to, please click HERE.
Browser: Since they changed the API, Chrome is the only reliable browser that works every time. Firefox may work but you need the latest version and even that is iffy. Explorer works with the latest version and a plug-in installed. Safari may work but it takes some tweaking. Edge does not work as far as I have seen.
Please resolve any issues prior to your appearance if you must use something other than Chrome because we cannot troubleshoot during the event.
Smart Phones and Tablets: We don't prefer you use a smart device but they do work. You'll need to download the Hangouts App prior to your appearance. Please try to make sure you have a strong wifi signal, use the screen in landscape mode (wide, not tall), use headphones/earbuds, and use a stand or prop it up. Please don’t hold it in your hand, otherwise our viewers will get seasick.
Headphones/Earbuds & Microphone
Everyone needs to be using headphones/earbuds. Otherwise we get echo and the show quality is compromised. If you have a good mic please us it. If you’re using a built-in mic it will still work but you will not sound as good and you’ll need to stay close to it. If you’re using earbuds with the microphone built into the line (like apple buds) please be aware that as you move your head around, the mic drags across your clothes and creates noise. It’s not horrible but it does affect your quality.
This is a video show. Webcams have a tendency to get grainy in low light so please try to have ample light in your room. However a bright light right behind you or over your head washes you out. Check yourself on your screen and if you look terrible, see if there’s anything you can do about it. If not, we’ll roll with it.
If you can hook into a LAN line, that would be best.
Tablets and phones (smart devices) seem to work better than desktops with WiFi. If you are using a smart device and are on WiFi, it’s probably not a big deal. I would ask that you test it with a friend ahead of time to see how you are coming through.
If you want to test your streaming speed, go to Your download speed should be no less than 5mbps and your upload speed should be no less than 3mbps to stream in HD.
If your streaming quality is not sufficient due to connection speed you may notice bad quality from others on your end of the Hangout or they might mention that your quality is not good. You may need to lower your quality one tick on the Hangout (see Problems section below).
Multiple People in the Same Location
If two or more people are logging in from the same location, you’ll need to do one of two things.
Same Device
Use the same computer. If you can use an earphone splitter so you can all use earphones, that’s the best. If not, it will probably be okay. We’ll get some echo but it’s usually alright.
Different Devices
This is preferred so that you can all use headphones. However, you absolutely need to be out of earshot of one another. If not, it creates an echo and feedback and pretty much makes the appearance unwatchable.
Show Format
Introduction: Host and guests names and “From” (typically your company or project, or your website).
Interview (45 min): This is where we talk to you all about... You. We will make sure to hit all of the points you want to cover and avoid all those you do not. We will focus on whatever you specify in your survey below in the order you list it. If you have product that you'd like to show off, please make sure to have it handy.
Wrap Up: There's no need to worry about plugging your website or giving out links because we'll do this as part of the show wrap up.
Your Information
This form will serve as an opportunity for us to collect the most important information about you, and how we can best include this information throughout the show.